
Federal Board SSC-II Past Papers 2011

Federal Board SSC-II Past Papers 2011
Art and Model Drawing (HIC)
Art and Model Drawing
Clothing and Textile
Commercial Geography
Computer Hardware
Computer Science
Dress Making and Fashion Design
Elements of Home Economics
Elements of Home Economics (HIC)
Electrical Wiring (HIC)
Electrical Wiring
English Compulsory
English Compulsory (HIC)
English Elective
Food and Nutrition
General Science
General Science (HIC)
Geography of Pakistan
Islamic History
Islamic Studies
Mathematics (HIC)
Motor Winding
Pak Study
Urdu Compulsory
Urdu Compulsory (HIC)
Wood Working and Furniture Making
Government Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Islamabad, FBISE Islamabad conducts enlistment examination under its great 'ol molded body. For the most part matric part I and Part II exams held in the time of March and the heap up issue its date sheet for ninth and tenth class a month going before the exams beginning. 

Driving social occasion of halfway and partner oversee (FBISE) Islamabad is recognized to be the best illuminating driving party of the nation for dealing with exams for perpetual dependably. 

Past papers are of confusing criticalness for understudies as they are an OK honing case to unwind up papers appropriately. It is an ordinary consider too that basically half of accomplishment toward the aggregate of the year tests is about exam structure. 

Past papers are certifiable structures for getting understanding the most ideal approach to manage administer welcome the papers excellently. By think past papers an understudy can without a lot of a develop vitalize its syllabus and can come over his/her inadequacies. Past papers helps understudies in understanding the best system for illuminating asking for in their yearly exams. 

Matric ninth tenth class Students of Islamabad board can without a significant measure of a develop find past papers on ilmiresources in its past paper a range. Here understudy of matric can discover past papers of each subject identified with science, trade, and enunciations which will be fundamental for the understudies. 

Past papers including Punjab, KPK, Sindh, Balochistand and AJK Educational Boards are open at ilmiresources. Those understudies, who are doing approaches for their matric exams, ought not be push. By rebuking past papers they can get the thought regarding attempting the paper compellingly and can satisfy shining assessments.
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