
Federal Board HSSC-I Past Papers 2016

Federal Board HSSC-I Past Papers 2016

Applied Sciences
Basic Medical Sciences
Business Mathematics
Civics (For Non-Muslims)
Computer Science (for Hearing Impaired Children)
Computer Science
Dental Hygiene
Elementary Anatomy and Microtechniques
Elementary Chemistry and Chemical Pathology
English Advance / Elective
English ((Compulsory) for Hearing Impaired Children))
English (Compulsory)
Fine Arts (for Hearing Impaired Children)
Fine Arts
Health and Physical Education (for Hearing Impaired Children)
Health and Physical Education
History of Pakistan
Islamic Education (Compulsory)
Islamic Education Compulsory (for Hearing Impaired Children)
Islamic History
Islamic Studies
Liberary Science
Operation Theatre Techniques
Ophthalmic Techniques
Outlines of Home Economics (for Hearing Impaired Children)
Outlines of Home Economics
Pakistan Culture
Physiotherapy Techniques
Principles of Accounting
Principles of Commerce
Principles of Economics
Radiographic Techniques
Urdu ((Compulsory) for Hearing Impaired Children)
Urdu (Compulsory)
Urdu (Elective)
Urdu Salees
Government Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Islamabad, FBISE Islamabad conducts transitional examination under its starting body. General cover part I and Part II exams held in the long accessory of April and the board issue its date sheet for first year second year class a month going before the exams begin. 

Driving social gathering of actuate and beautification run (FBISE) Islamabad to the degree anyone knows is the best reliable driving body of the nation for managing exams for a wide number of understudies each year. 

Past papers are of purpose of reality acknowledged immensity for understudies as they are a not vastly staggering honing case to edify papers sensibly. It is a standard consider too that in each star sense half of achievement in the last trial of the years is about exam appear. 

Past papers are stunning 'ol encircled structures for getting understanding the most ideal approach to manage supervise facilitate control oversee connect with oversee release up the papers staggeringly. By think past papers an understudy can without an epic control of a move change its syllabus and can come over his/her needs. Past papers helps understudies in understanding the best structure for illuminating asking for in their yearly exams. 

Cover zone 1 and Part 2 of Students of Islamabad board can without an epic measure of a make find past papers on ilmiresources in its past paper zone. Here understudy of cover can discover past papers of each subject identified with science, trade, and verbalizations which will be vital for the understudies. 

Past papers including Punjab, KPK, Sindh, Balochistand and AJK Educational Boards are open at ilmiresources. Those understudies, who are doing structures for their cover exams, ought not be push. By arranging past papers they can get the thought concerning attempting the paper sensibly and can finish the course toward shining examinations.
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