How to write the best answer of a short question???
Short questions are the very important part of the question paper as these possess maximum marks out of the total. Therefor it is pretty much recommended to pay a high attention on this section. A minimum criterion for writing the answer of a short question is that you have to provide two different pieces of information for two marks and three different for three marks.
Well! hold on. this is not the end. For securing top position in board we recommend to write at least four different pieces of information
in the following format;
a) Definition
b) Brief Explanation
c) Importance | Significance | Applications | Uses | Functions | Role
d) Examples
a) Definition: Almost any topic of any subject can be defined in a proper way. Most of the experienced teachers put forward that student should write definition whether it has been asked or not. It gives an expression of well understanding of the topic.
b) Brief Explanation: You should write to the point in this part of the answer. Keep in mind what has been asked. Include reason if it is a logical question.
c) Other variables are reasons, causes, applications, uses, importance or significance. You can choose any of these after writing brief explanation of what has been asked.
d) Examples: You must include one or two relevant examples in your answer. This is highly recommended from the teachers for scoring extraordinary marks in examination at any level.
Here I want you to know that answer to a question also depends on its type. For example you are asked to draw and label a diagram, you do not need to follow format given above. Instead, you can write a straight forward answer of straight forward question of this sort. You may also be asked to write an equation or formula or unit of a physical quantity.
This format gives the best results but it needs a lot of preparation and practice before sitting in the examination hall. Work hard and smart. Believe in your abilities. The success is yours.